Oatmeal Relief recipe image

Oatmeal Relief

By using just two common ingredients in your kitchen, you can provide your family with an amazing anti-itch remedy.

— Tieraona Low Dog, M.D.

Oatmeal Relief recipe image

Oatmeal Relief

Use it in the tub to soothe mosquito bites or poison ivy, or make it into a paste and apply to a bad bug bite. Totally safe and effective!


  • 4 cups oatmeal, powdered 

  • ½ cup baking soda or cornstarch

Grind the oatmeal into as fine a powder as you can in a blender or electric coffee grinder. Pour the powder into a jar and add baking soda or cornstarch. Mix well. Put on a lid, label, and store in a dark cupboard. 

How to Use: This mixture can be made into a paste and applied topically or added to a bath for itch relief. For more nasty rashes, like poison ivy/ oak/ sumac, I recommend adding a couple tablespoons cool water to ½ cup Oatmeal Relief to make a paste. Spread a thin coat over the affected area, cover it with plastic wrap or a towel, and let it dry for 30 to 60 minutes. (You don’t need the plastic wrap; it just keeps the poultice from falling off and making a mess!) Rinse off the paste with cool or tepid water. Hot water will make you itch. Repeat as often as necessary to relieve itching and inflammation. For a bath, mix 1 cup Oatmeal Relief into your bathwater. Make sure the bath is warm, not hot. Soak for 20 to 30 minutes. Repeat as necessary.