Helpful Health Resources

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Medicine Lodge Academy

Dr. Low Dog has created a new online classroom called Medicine Lodge Academy to expand the reach of her natural medicine school located at her ranch in the heart of New Mexico’s Santa Fe National Forest.

Through our online courses, digital educational tools, and hands-on intensive classes at our ranch, you will have access to the resources to make yourself & your family both healthier and more whole. Learn more.

Presentation Handout image

Conference Presentation Handouts:

Yankee Dental Conference:

  • The Mind-Gut Connection handout - PDF

  • Emotional Well-Being - PDF

  • Women’s Health: From Hormones to Heart Disease - PDF

  • Nutrition, Dietary Supplements, and Their Relationships to Oral Health - PDF

Free Herbal Medicine Making course image

Announcing “Free” – Herbal Medicine Making “Mini” Course!

This FREE course is the easiest way to get started making a few of Dr. Low Dog’s favorite herbal recipes in your own home kitchen. In this course you will gain access to several short videos that will walk you through four easy herbal recipes including a homemade foaming soap, lavender herbal oil, thyme honey and golden milk. If you can make spaghetti, you can make these herbal products!
Sign Up

Resources-Research Logo

Research & Informational Websites

Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS), NIH The ODS supports research and disseminates research results in the area of dietary supplements. It produces The International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS) database, which provides access to bibliographic citations and abstracts from published, international, and scientific literature on dietary supplements. Users can choose to search the Full IBIDS Database, a subset of Consumer Citations Only or Peer Reviewed Citations Only. Go to and select “Health Information”.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) NCCIH, as part of the NIH, maintains a free website that provides health information, research, clinical trials, training opportunities and information about complementary and alternative therapies. You can subscribe on-line for a free quarterly newsletter.

CAM on PubMed CAM on PubMed, a database on the Web developed jointly by NCCAM and the National Library of Medicine, offers citations to (and in most cases, abstracts of) articles in scientifically based, peer- reviewed journals on complementary and alternative medicine. It contains 220,000 citations, has links to full text, and allows searchers to limit retrievals by publication type. Look for the Alerts and Advisories, treatment information, resources, links to other organizations (FDA, AHRQ, ODS etc.).

The Cochrane Library The Cochrane Library is a collection of science-based reviews from the Cochrane Collaboration, an international nonprofit organization that seeks to provide “up-to-date, accurate information about the effects of health care”. Abstracts of these reviews can be read on the Web without charge.

DHA/EPA Omega-3 Institute  The DHA/EPA Omega-3 Institute provides the most thorough and comprehensive body of knowledge and research relating to omega-3 fatty acids found on the internet.

HerbMedPro  The HerbMedPro is the professional version of HerbMed®. A great resource when you want to see a summary of articles about a particular herb, sponsored by Dr. Low Dog’s friends at HerbalGram. This enhanced version provides access to the entire database with continuous updating as the information is being compiled.

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (an NIH resource) NHLBI provides science-based, plain-language information related to heart, lung, and blood diseases and conditions and sleep disorders.

Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletions Quick pharmacy guide to evaluate common medications that deplete micronutrients.

Health Canada The Canadian government regulates natural health products in Canada licensing products with proof of safety and efficacy. This is a very helpful site that lists products licensed in Canada and has helpful monographs.

Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University Fantastic resource for learning the latest on vitamins, minerals and some herbs. Reliable, current and free to use. If you click on Micronutrient Information Center, a wealth of information is right at your fingertips. If you click under Disease Index, you can look up which supplements might be beneficial for a specific health condition.

The Environmental Working Group ( This is my go to website for environmental information. This is the group that brings us the Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen list of foods each year based upon pesticide residue. Lots of information and tips for reducing exposure to endocrine disruptors in your skin care products, cookware, etc. Great organization.

The Number Needed to Treat ( Quick summaries of evidence-based medicine. A group of physicians that have developed a framework and rating system to evaluate therapies based on their patient-important benefits and harms as well as a system to evaluate diagnostics by patient sign, symptom, lab test or study. They only use the highest quality, evidence-based studies (frequently, but not always Cochrane Reviews), and we accept no outside funding or advertisements.

Resources-Nutrition Logo

Diet Information Websites

The Nutrition Source – Harvard School of Public Health This is a great website for keeping up-to-date with nutritional science. The Nutrition A to Z and the Nutrition in the News sections are filled with great information.

FODMAP Diet Dedicated to help those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). FODMAPs is an acronym that stands for Fermentable Oligo-, Di- and Mono-saccharides, and Polyols. This term was coined by a group of researchers who theorize that foods that contain these forms of carbohydrates exacerbate the symptoms of some digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome IBS and IBD.

Mediterranean Diet I love this dietary plan. Choosing a diet similar to one eaten by people living around the Mediterranean Sea may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and have additional health benefits. The diet is mostly plant-based with high amounts of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, dried beans, olive oil, and fish. Follow these tips to eat the Mediterranean way!

Mayo Clinic Mediterranean Diet  A excellent patient education resource on the Mediterranean Diet from the Mayo Clinic.

Ketogenic Diet A useful handout on the ketogenic diet from Dr. Low Dog’s friends at the University of Wisconsin.

Glycemic Load A useful handout on the Glycemic Load from Dr. Low Dog’s friends up at the University of Wisconsin.

Glycemic Load/Index Chart Quick chart on glycemic index/load of common foods from the Cleveland Clinic Heart Lab.

Seafood Watch  Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch – Tips on finding sustainable seafood, profiles of Seafood Watch scientists, and the latest stories about our global work to transform the seafood industry..

National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program The NAWQA Program is studying mercury cycling in watersheds across the Nation to build an understanding of how natural features and human activities affect the transformation, transport, and bioaccumulation of mercury in stream ecosystems.

DASH diet handout (PDF) National Institutes of Health: learn to manage your blood pressure naturally.

Dr. Low Dog’s Nutrition Prescription Pyramid (PDF) This is Tieraona’s take on your Nutrition needs based on the all the studies she’s reviewed and her personal experience with “Real People”.

The Healing Foods Pyramid (PDF) The Healing Foods Pyramid™ is an illustration of a balanced way of eating in which food is regarded as a source of healing and nurturing rather than simply a way to gain energy.

Public Health Aspects of the Use of Bovine Hormone (European Union) The Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures relating to Public Health is asked examine the use of bovine somatotrophin (BST) to dairy cows as a productivity aid to milk production. In particular the Committee is invited to assess the possible direct and indirect adverse effects on public health caused by the use of BST under normal conditions.

Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII Screener) is a free app to assess the pro-inflammatory status of your usual dietary intake. This baseline diet assessment screening will generate a DII Score to better inform you of your risk of diseases associated with chronic inflammation.

Resources-Calculators Logo

Health Calculators on the Web

Vitamin D Calculator A vitamin D calculator is provided by the Norwegian Institute for Research. A little complex. Note: It asks you for the latitude of your city. Use this tool to find the latitude of a US city near you.

Heart Health Calculator This is a risk assessment tool for estimating 10-year risk of myocardial infarction and coronary death.

Osteoporosis Calculator This calculator gives an approximate prediction of the risk of hip fracture over the next 5 years for postmenopausal women between the ages of 50 and 79.

Resources-Websites Logo

Additional Websites

Consumer Labs This group reports the results of independent quality testing on dietary supplements. It provides very useful information for the consumer not only on quality testing but also on product recalls, FDA warnings, etc.

The People’s Pharmacy  Joe & Terry Graedon have created a wonderful resource for up-to-date information for living a healthy life. This is a great website with trustworthy resources from wonderful people.

Fullscript When you want to recommend or prescribe high quality branded supplements in your office or directly to patients. Fullscript also offers useful webinars and has an array of patient handouts and professional tools.

Mountain Rose Herbs  One of Dr. Low Dog’s favorite sources for all things herbal. This is a great website with trustworthy products and herbal product resources.

Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine Find an Integrative Medicine Practitioner near you that has taken the Fellowship program from the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine.

Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine – Fellowship Program Dr. Low Dog was the founding Fellowship Director for the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine where she helped create and direct their new Fellowship program. This two-year fellowship is the first integrative interdisciplinary program in the world committed to training teams of medical doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nursing professionals, physician’s assistants, dietitians, acupuncturists, naturopathic and chiropractic physicians in integrative health and medicine.

HerbalGram A journal that reports both science-based and traditional information on the uses of botanical medicines.

HerbMed Provides hyperlinked access to the scientific data underlying the use of herbs for health. It is an impartial, evidence-based information resource for professionals, researchers, and general public.

Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (dCBT) for InsomniaOver the past decade, digital solutions have been developed to support the dissemination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). In this paper, we review the evidence for and implications of digital CBT (dCBT) for insomnia. The CBT-i Coach App in the Apple App Store – link.

Resources-Databases Logo

Online Databases

Natural Medicines (formerly Natural Standard and Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database) This is an independent collaboration of international clinicians and researchers who created a database which can be searched by CAM subject or by medical condition. The most authoritative resource available on dietary supplements, natural medicines, and complementary alternative and integrative therapies. Quality of evidence is graded for each supplement. (Requires a Subscription)